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Keeping Current in your Field

This guide was created to keep you up-to-date with research information

Latest news articles


Latest news articles, like other journal articles, are available in article databases subscribed by CityU Library.

Below are some tips to set up alerts or feeds offered by selected news databases available at the Library:


For more about news databases subscribed by CityU Library, refer to Find new sources on a topic from our News and Newspapers research guide.

Latest news on the Internet - news directories

Continuously updated news and up-to-the-minute events can be found in online news directories.

Most of these news directories provide RSS functionalities. You can choose a sub-catagory (e.g. International, finance), then click  to create the desired feed. You can also perform a search and click  to create a search feed.   

These are some popular news directories:


Latest news on the Internet - individual news sources

Many newspapers and news sources are also available online. Some even allow you to subscribe to their RSS feeds  for their latest news information, although some of them may not provide full-text access to their news articles.

Below are selected news sources that offer RSS feeds  on their websites:



For more about news sources on the Internet, refer to Find news sources on the Internet from our News and Newspapers research guide.

Not all news on the Internet are free

Although many newspapers have web versions, there might be limitation on contents and access. Some newspapers require free registration to access full-text news articles. Some provide full-text access only by paid subscription. There might also be limited access to older news articles.

CityU Library subscribes to many news sources to provide access to current and historical news information. Use our news databases to locate your needed news information.