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According to the Cambridge Dictionaries Online, to plagiarize is "to use another person's idea or a part of their work and pretend that it is your own" *. It is an act of using someone else’s ideas, words, concepts, images, sounds, formulae or data without acknowledging the source, either intentionally or accidentally. It is therefore a dishonest practice of claiming credit for something you did not do. |
* Plagiarize. (2010). In Cambridge advanced learners dictionary. Cambridge Dictionaries Online. Retrieved from
This guide assists you in understanding what plagiarism is, what constitutes plagiarism, and how to avoid it:
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Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty, which is considered a violation of the behavior expected of a student at CityUHK. In order for students to learn about academic honesty, the University requires all students to read the University's Rules on Academic Honesty, complete an online tutorial, take a quiz and fill out a declaration.
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