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Measuring Research Impact 6: Library Support

Citation Certification Service

The Library's Citation Certification Service supports the grant and award applications of our faculty members. With this service, we track your publications in citation database(s) like Scopus and Web of Science, and provide you with a stamped summary report on the indexing status and citation information of your full/selected publications.

Target Users

  • Faculty members

Making a Request

Service Terms and Conditions

  • The Citation Certification Service is available to CityUHK faculty members solely for the purposes of supporting their grant and award applications.
  • Requests should be submitted at least ten working days before the desired completion date. Some reports may take longer due to the number of publications and the complexity of the task.
  • Citation databases available for checking are limited to those subscribed to by the CityUHK Library. These databases have varying content coverage and publication years. The quality of the report is tied to the data quality of these databases.
  • Before completing the form, please ensure that you have the following documents ready:
    • If a publication list is provided for checking, please format it in an Excel file with the following columns: Title, Publication Year, Author(s), Publication Type, Publication Source, Volume, Issue, Pages, and DOI (see example).
    • If a specific template is required for the report, please provide a sample of the template, preferably in an editable Word or Excel file.
  • Please fill out the form as thoughtfully and comprehensively as possible. Unclear or missing information may delay the processing of your report.
  • The Library has the discretion to reject requests for its Citation Certification Service because of manpower constraints or an unreasonable timeframe.
  • The Library reserves the right to review and revise the Service Terms and Conditions and may, based on demand and usage, introduce charges for the service in the future.

Privacy Notice

  • Personal data collected will be used for authentication and facilitating the processing of your request. For details, please read the Library's Privacy Policy.


 For enquiries, please contact the Library's Research Support and Scholarly Communication Section at