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Finding Open Educational Resources (OER) for Teaching and Learning

This guide suggests resources or ways to find openly licensed or public domain resources for your teaching and learning, including your MOOCs.

Finding resources for your MOOCs


CityU has partnered with FutureLearn to deliver Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). The first CityU MOOC, “Foundation of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in China”, was launched in September 2016.

MOOCs are massive and open to the public, while most CityU subscribed electronic resources are only licensed to the CityU community. These resources therefore cannot be used in a MOOC. To avoid violating license agreements or infringing copyright, when using licensed or copyrighted materials, you have to seek permission from the copyright owner of the materials. Or, you can use original, open access or public domain materials that do not require permission.

The resources listed in this guide can help you identify materials for your MOOCs. It should be noted that some major MOOC platform providers, including FutureLearn, are for-profit companies. The use of MOOCs is therefore considered "commercial". Resources listed as “non-commercial use only” or under a “non-commercial” license cannot be used in these MOOCs. Always double-check the license types or the terms of use for the materials when reusing them in your MOOC.

MOOC logo by Elliot Lepers is licensed under CC BY SA 3.0