During the research process, you may use keyword or name searches to find researcher matches. This enables you to gain an overview of individuals who actively contribute to a specific area and explore potential collaboration and partnerships. Below are some recommended websites that can assist you in achieving the purposes.
CityU Scholars is the University's Current Research Information Management System that stores, manages and showcases the research output and achievement information of CityU researchers. It demonstrates CityU's research excellence and supports performance appraisal and government reporting. It also serves as an institutional repository to help our researchers meet the open access requirements from the Research Grants Council.
To locate CityU researchers specialising in any specific research areas through CityU Scholars, please access the CityU Scholars Public Portal, select [Researchers] from the top menu, then key in the desired topic, such as "artificial intelligence" in the box under [Find Researchers] to conduct a search [Screenshot 1].
On the result list, click on any desired author to open up the full researcher profile page to see the details [Screenshot 2].
Scopus is a bibliographic database provided by Elsevier. It is one of the largest abstract and citation databases, covering a wide range of disciplines.
Researcher Discovery is a tool that enables author search by keywords. The keywords are matched against title, abstract and journal name of articles by Scopus-indexed authors to help locate researchers and their current focus, and identify collaboration opportunities. Researcher Discovery focuses on documents published since 2017 to highlight authors who have recently published on a specific topic, as they are more likely to remain active in that area of research.
To access Researcher Discovery, first go to Scopus homepage and select the [Researcher Discovery] tab. Key in the search term related to a research area, topic or interest, such as "artificial intelligence" in the [Enter keywords] box and press search. You can also use AND, OR etc. to combine different syntax to search [Screenshot 1].
By default, the author profiles returned are sorted by the number of matching documents in descending order. You can select the [Sort by] dropdown list to sort by total citations, total documents or h-index in either descending or ascending order. The results can be further refined by different filters in the left-side panel, including year range, country and organization [Screenshot 2].
To explore an author's profile, click on [Preview profile] to open the author profile preview panel, and [View full profile] for author details, such as their publication list and metrics, etc. [Screenshot 3].
More information can be viewed at the Researcher Discovery FAQs page.
Web of Science is a comprehensive research database and citation index provided by Clarivate. It features several core databases, such as the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), etc. Additionally, it releases the annual Journal Citation Reports, which provide the Journal Impact Factor and Journal Citation Indicator.
Web of Science Researcher Profiles are for registered authors to showcase their scholarly works, peer review and editor works. To locate potential collaborators who are actively contributing to a research topic of your interest, go to Basic Search. Under [Documents], select [Topic] and key in the search term, such as "artificial intelligence" and press [Search]. It will perform a search in title, abstract, author keywords, and Keywords Plus (i.e. index terms automatically generated from the titles of cited articles) [Screenshot 1].
On the result page, the [Researcher Profiles] section on the left-side panel shows authors ranked by the number of publications related to the topic, with the highest number of matches listed first. Click [See all] to show the complete author list. To see more information of a potential collaborator, click on the name of the desired author to view his or her profile details, publication list and metrics information [Screenshot 2].
If you find the complete author list showing too many entries, you may consider further refining your search. You can utilize the [Quick Filters] on the left panel to limit your search to publications that are "Highly Cited Papers", "Hot Papers", "Open Access", etc. Additionally, you can also explore various other filters such as "Publication Years", "Affiliations", "Languages", "Countries/Regions" to further narrow down the scope [Screenshot 3]. Once you are happy with your search, you can repeat the steps in [Screenshot 2] to view more details of any selected potential collaborator(s).