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Measuring Research Impact 2: Highly Cited Papers & Hot Papers

Top publications, including Clarivate's Highly Cited Papers and Hot Papers, are widely used in the academic community. Highly Cited Papers represent research articles that have received a significant number of citations, indicating their impact and influence in a particular field. Hot Papers, on the other hand, are recent publications that have quickly garnered attention and citations shortly after their release. Both types of publications are based on Essential Science Indicators (ESI) in Web of Science.

Highly Cited Papers are papers that perform in the top 1% based on the number of citations received when compared to other papers published in the same field in the same year. It is based on the concept that publications are often cited the most within the second, third, or fourth year after publication, but some continue to receive citations for many years, even experiencing delayed recognition. The citation patterns depend on the paper's type, field, and reported findings. Discoveries can quickly rise and then decline as they are further elaborated, while papers on methods or techniques gradually gain citations as they diffuse and prove their utility. Selecting highly cited papers considers field-specific citation rates and the tendency for older papers to receive more citations. The selection process involves counting citations at different levels, constructing distributions for each field and year, and setting thresholds to choose the top fraction of papers. Only specific paper types including regular scientific articles, review articles, proceedings papers, and research notes and journals in the Web of Science Core Collection are counted.

How to find it

Web of Science > 

1. Login to Web of Science.

2. Click "Products" in the upper right corner.

3. Click "Essential Science Indicators".

4. Under "Filter Results", filter by research fields, authors, journals, etc.

5. On the dropdown list, click "Highly Cited Papers".

6. Under the column "Highly Cited Papers", click the blue bar to view the publications by research field on the next page.

Hot Papers are papers published in the last two years that are receiving citations quickly after publication. These papers have been cited enough times in the most recent bimonthly period to place them in the top 0.1% when compared to papers in the same field and added to the database in the same period. To account for field-specific variations in citation rates, each field is treated independently. Moreover, a separate analysis is conducted for each two-month grouping of papers, resulting in a total of 12 groups over the two-year period. This approach addresses the observation that older papers tend to accumulate more citations than newly published ones. Hot papers are selected based on citation frequency thresholds determined for their respective fields and bi-monthly groups. Only papers from journals covered in the Web of Science Core Collection are included in the analysis.

How to find it

Web of Science > 

1. Login to Web of Science.

2. Click "Products" in the upper right corner.

3. Click "Essential Science Indicators".

4. Under "Filter Results", filter by research fields, authors, journals, etc.

5. On the dropdown list, click "Hot Papers".

6. Under the column "Hot Papers", click the blue bar to view the publications by research field on the next page.