With HKALL you can access the book collections of all University Grants Committee (UGC) funded libraries.
When would I want to use HKALL?
You can find your desired title in the HKALL search scope by either of the following ways:
Then, find a book you need from the search results and click on the title. Select the option Get it. If there is an available copy, click on HKALL – Resource Sharing. ** You need to sign in(see above) to see request options and to place a request.
Use our CityU LibraryFind to find books, audiovisual materials, dissertations, journal titles, articles and more, collected by the Library.
The default scope is Books, Media & Articles+. You may select other scopes, such as Books & Media+ and Articles+, to suit your needs. To get started with CityU LibraryFind, refer to the Getting Started Tips.
On the result page, you can narrow the search results by Availability, Resource Type, or other options under Refine My Results (on the right side of screen).
Refer to this short video for more.
Subject Headings are words, or combinations of words, that are selected to describe the main content of a book, DVD, or other items.
The following selected Subject Headings describe different topics in the field of Veterinary Medicine, Biomedical Sciences, and Neurosciences: . The list is not comprehensive so other Subject Headings may also be applicable to your topic. You can use the headings to find books and more in the CityU LibraryFind.
Tip. Often you will retrieve a large number of results in CityU LibraryFind. You can select from the options under Refine My Results (on right side of screen) to narrow your results.
Suggested subject areas related to Veterinary Medicine:
Suggested subject areas related to Biomedical Sciences and Neurosciences:
The general call number areas in the Library are:
BF660 | Animal and human psychology |
HV4701 | Protection of animals - Animal rights |
QL55 | Laboratory animals |
QL750 | Zoology - Animal behavior |
QL801 | Zoology - Anatomy |
QL951 | Zoology - Embryology |
QP501 | Animal biochemistry |
QR301 | Virology |
QH324.2 | Bioinformatics or Computaional Biology |
QH426-470 | Genetics |
QH506 | Molecular biology |
QH573-671 | Cytology or Cell Biology |
QR | Microbiology |
R856-857 | Biomedical engineering. Electronics. Instrumentation |
RA1199 | Toxicology |
RB | Pathology |
RC321-580 | Neurosciences. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry |
RM301 | Drugs and their actions |
SF | Animal culture |
SK351 | Wildlife management |
Select from the following reference resources to find quick facts and background information. To identify and locate additional reference resources, search CityU LibraryFind.
Handbooks are great resources to use for overviews and background information of a subject.
Dictionaries provide brief information on words or subjects, arranged alphabetically.
Encyclopedias provide comprehensive information about a specific topic.
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