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Veterinary Medicine & Life Sciences

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Library resources by subject

Subject Headings are words, or combinations of words, that are selected to describe the main content of a book, DVD, or other items.

The following selected Subject Headings describe different topics in the field of Veterinary Medicine, Biomedical Sciences, and Neurosciences:  . The list is not comprehensive so other Subject Headings may also be applicable to your topic. You can use the headings to find books and more in the CityUHK LibraryFind.

Tip. Often you will retrieve a large number of results in CityUHK LibraryFind. You can select from the options under Refine My Results (on right side of screen) to narrow your results.

Suggested subject areas related to Veterinary Medicine:

Agriculture Pet medicine
Animal behavior Poisonous animals 
Animal culture Vertebrates
Animal health Veterinary drugs
Animal intelligence Veterinary epidemiology
Animal psychology Veterinary hematology
Animal welfare Veterinary medicine 
Animals diseases Veterinary microbiology
Aquaculture Veterinary nursing
Aquatic animals Veterinary pathology
Entomology / Insects Veterinary toxicology
Invertebrates Wildlife
Ornithology / Birds Zoology


Suggested subject areas related to Biomedical Sciences and Neurosciences:

Biochemistry Human anatomy Molecular Immunology
Biocompatibility Human physiology Molecular neurobiology
Bioethics Immunology Nanobiotechnology
Bioengineering Medical botany Nanoelectromechanical systems
Bioinformatics Medical electronics Nanomedicine
Biomedical engineering                 Medical genetics Nanotechnology
Biomedical materials Medical innovations Neurosciences
BioMEMS Medical microbiology             Pathology
Biophysics Medical sciences Pharmacology
Biosensors Medical technology Physiology
Biotechnology Microbial genetics Regenerative medicine
Cellular therapy Microbiology Stem cells
Cytology / Cell biology Molecular biology Tissue engineering
Gene therapy Molecular diagnosis  
Genetics Molecular genetics    

Call number areas on veterinary sciences

The general call number areas in the Library are:

BF660 Animal and human psychology
HV4701 Protection of animals - Animal rights
QL55 Laboratory animals
QL750 Zoology - Animal behavior 
QL801 Zoology - Anatomy
QL951 Zoology - Embryology
QP501 Animal biochemistry 
QR301 Virology
QH324.2 Bioinformatics or Computaional Biology
QH426-470 Genetics
QH506 Molecular biology
QH573-671 Cytology or Cell Biology
QR Microbiology
R856-857 Biomedical engineering. Electronics. Instrumentation
RA1199 Toxicology
RB Pathology
RC321-580 Neurosciences. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry
RM301 Drugs and their actions
SF                 Animal culture 
SK351 Wildlife management