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CityU LibraryFind

CityU LibraryFind is the Library’s search platform for finding materials of CityU Library. In one single search, you can search for books, articles, course reserves, and more.

CityU LibraryFind

  1. Sign in
  2. Search
  3. Refine search results
  4. Browse results (brief records)
  5. View full records
  6. Get printed books from HKALL
  7. Get resources via Interlibrary Loan
  8. Note what’s covered / what’s not

CityU LibraryFind


Why sign in?

When you sign in, you can:

  • Save search queries and search results for later use.
  • View request options: request checked-out items, request items via Interlibrary Loan Services or HKALL.
  • Check and renew your loans.
  • View and pay fines.


How to sign in?

  • Click the Sign in link that is available either underneath the search box or at the top right of the page.
  • Enter your Electronic ID (EID) and AD/LAN password, the same as those for university PCs.
  • Remember to sign out if you use a public PC.

After you've signed in, click on your name (top right of search screen) to view your LIBRARY ACCOUNT for information on your loans, to renew items, and more. Refer to My Library Account - A Guide to learn more.

For non-CityU and JULAC users, please register for an EID in person at the Library Circulation Counter. For alumni users without an EID, please register for a CityU email and an EID.


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Where to start?

  1. Click CityU LibraryFind link at the top right of the Library Homepage; or
  2. Go to the CityU LibraryFind search box on Library Homepage.


How to search?

  1. Enter your search terms into the search box to do a Keyword search, or select other search fields (e.g. Title, Call number) from the drop-down menu.
  2. Limit your search by selecting:
  • Books, Media & Articles+: Books, journals, articles, theses, media resources, and more
  • Books & Media+: Books, journals, media resources, course reserves (but not articles)
  • Articles+: Articles from journals, newspapers, magazines


Search tips

  • Keywords in a search are automatically combined with AND
    e.g. psychology children
  • Use asterisk * to find variant forms of a word
    e.g. child* -- finds child, children, childish, childhood, etc.
  • To search for a phrase, use double quotation marks
    e.g. "solar energy"
  • Use parentheses to group terms to control the order of multiple operators specified in a query. The search inside the parentheses is done first.
    e.g. crime (web OR internet)
  • Use Advanced Search for more complex searches
  • Use Browse Search to browse library materials (excluding articles) in order to find relevant information quickly


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Refine search results

If your search retrieves a large number of results, you can select options from Refine My Results to narrow your results by:

  • Availability (peer-reviewed journals, available online, etc.)
  • Resource Type (articles, books, dissertations, etc.)
  • Publication Year
  • Library Collection
  • and more

To broaden your search results, you can select the option "Include results not available in full-text" on the search results page.

By default, results are sorted by Relevance. Click the down arrow from the Sort by menu to display search results by Date-newest, Date-oldest, Title or Author.


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Browse results (brief records)

After refining the search results, the brief records will be shown on the left-hand side of the page. To save a record or multiple records from your list, select the pin icon.



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View a full record

Click on the title of the record (in bold) in your search results to go to the record’s full display to view additional information. You can either scroll to a particular section or use the links shown on the left-hand side of the page. Information generally includes:

Pin: Saved records are temporarily stored in My Favorites (top right of search screen) if not signed in. To learn more about save records and searches, view here.

Send to: For more features, see "Cite, print and more" below

View Online: Appears only if the item is available for online viewing

Get it: Allows you to request items

Details: Provides additional information (such as: subjects, description)

Links: Displays additional links to other relevant resources


Cite, print and more

From a full record page, click on SEND TO for:

  • QR: QR code of the record
  • Citation: Cite the record in popular citation styles, such as APA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard, IEEE, MLA
  • EndNote Desktop(RIS), EndNote Online, Export BibTeX: Export citation information of the record to a reference manager
  • Permalink: permanent link of the record


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Get printed books from HKALL*

If a book you need is not available because it is checked out or not held by our Library, you can use HKALL to request an available copy from another UGC library. The book will be sent to CityU Library for you to collect.

After a search in the Books, Media & Articles+ search scope, click on your desired title from the result list to go to the full record page. Under Get It, click on Search this title in HKALL. You will be directed to the title(s) in the HKALL scope.

Alternatively, you may try to find your desired title directly in the HKALL search scope by either of the following ways:


Click on your desired title, if available, from the result list. Under Get it, click on HKALL – Resource Sharing. Please note that you need to sign in to see request options and to place requests.

*To learn more about HKALL (e.g. eligibility), please view here.

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Get resources via Interlibrary Loan Services*

The Interlibrary Loan Services provides access to materials (e.g. journal articles, book chapters, books, etc.) that are not available at CityU Library. Eligible users may submit Interlibrary Loan requests via ILLiad.

Tip: You need to sign in to CityU LibraryFind to use the "Request through ILLiad" option after performing a search in CityU LibraryFind.

*To learn more about Interlibrary Loan service, please view here.



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What’s covered

Most print, multimedia and electronic resources CityU Library owns or has access to


What’s not covered

The content of specialist databases, e.g.

   To find specialist content, use the Library databases

Some Chinese e-book titles, e.g.

  • SuperStar and DuXiu Collections

   To find these e-books, access SuperStar or DuXiu


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