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Data Science

Finding Articles from Library-Subscribed Databases

Using the Library Databases to find articles, reports and statistics from popular and scholarly journals, newspapers, conference papers and other sources.

Tip. Make sure you develop your search strategy before you start searching.

Not sure about how to find journal articles and get the full text (whole document) of articles? Read this guide Finding Journal Articles.

Selected Data Science Journal Titles

You can also search all e-journal titles available from the Library!

Identifying journals with high impact

There are various tools that you can use to identify journals with high impact within a specific subject field:

Try the below subject categories:

  • Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
  • Computer Science, Information Systems
  • Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
  • Mathematical and Computational Biology 
  • Social Sciences, Mathematical Methods
  • etc.

Using the same dataset as "Journal Citation Reports" (JCR), the Eigenfactor metrics try to overcome some problems inherent to the JCR Impact Factor:

  • Citation data are gathered for 5 years
  • Self-citations are removed
  • Quality of the citing journals is considered
  • Differences in citation patterns among disciplines are adjusted

Subject Area: Computer Science

  • Contains SJR values derived from the citation data in the Scopus Database
  • Journal list can be generated for a subject category. High impact journals indexed in Scopus can be identified by sorting journals' SJR
  • Also contains country ranking data

If you wish to know more about research impact, please visit the guide Measuring Research Impact.

You may also be interested to know how to maximise the visibility of your research.

Findit@CityUHK with Google Scholar

Findit@CityUHK with Google Scholar tells you whether your search results in Google Scholar are available within the Library's subscription. If yes, the "Findit@CityUHK" link will be displayed next to the search result. You can then access the full text of the resource.

This feature is automatically enabled when you access Google Scholar on the campus network, like when you use a PC in the library. If you want to use it off-campus, you should set up the Library Links in Google Scholar. To learn more, refer to Findit@CityUHK in Google Scholar.

Google Scholar Search