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Unveiling the Chinese Legal History Special Collection

by Carina Leung on 2024-07-22T12:13:00+08:00 | Law | 0 Comments

We are pleased to announce that the Chinese Legal History Special Collection is now available for lending. This valuable collection, previously a closed collection, is now open, providing an exceptional opportunity to delve into the rich history of Chinese law.

The Chinese Legal History Special Collection

The Chinese Legal History Special Collection is a special collection of literature covering the ancient times to 1949, with a focus on the Qing Dynasty and the pre-1949 era. It includes historical judicial decisions, laws and regulations, and other related academic works. This Collection serves as a treasure trove for researchers, scholars, and anyone interested in exploring the evolution and development of Chinese law.

Browse and Borrow

To facilitate the use of this Collection, we have made it open to our users. You can now visit the Purple Zone of the library (Library Floor Plan) and browse the Collection. All eligible CityU users can check out books and materials for research and studies.

Users can search the Collection via CityU LibraryFind or refer to the Chinese Legal History Special Collection Catalogue. For more information, please refer to the library webpage.

We encourage you to explore the Chinese Legal History Special Collection. Whether you are a student pursuing a research project, a professor conducting scholarly work, or simply an individual with a passion for history, this collection offers invaluable insights into the legal heritage of China.

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