When you search for resources using multiple databases, keep a record of what you have done to perform the search, such as the databases you have used, the keywords you have combined and searched, and the search results retrieved using various search statements. From what you have done, you will then know what you should do next such as, to:
The Database Search Log below is a table for you to keep such a record.
When you find your needed resources, the next step is to read them. If you have a large number of materials to read, it is not easy to remember what you have read afterwards. Keeping a record of what you have read is essential to effectively organize the information from each resource and to be well prepared for writing your literature review. The information to record include the theories, findings and methodologies presented in the resources, as well as the citation information of these resources. Keeping this record will also help you make connections between resources.
Make use of the Resource Reading Log below to record important information about the resources you read.
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