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Teaching Support from the Library - A Guide for Teaching Staff

Increase your students' awareness of Library resources

 Linking to an item from CityUHK LibraryFind using PERMALINK

  • You may want to link an item (e.g. article, book, e-book, DVD) found from CityUHK LibraryFind to your webpage or Canvas course site. To do this, conduct a search in CityUHK LibraryFind, then copy and paste the PERMALINK of the record to your webpage or Canvas course site.



Linking to other Library resources


Add a direct link to a database

If there is a specific Library database that you would like to link to, simply find the title of the databases under the Databases by Title, Databases by Subject or Databases by Type list, right click on the database title that you want to link to, select "copy link" or "copy link address" (depending on which browser you are using), and paste the link into your webpage or Canvas course.