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Maximizing your research visibility and impact

Making research easy to discover

You can increase the visibility and impact of your research by making it easy to discover. Use the tips below to improve the chances of your research being viewed, downloaded or cited.

Get your name right!

  • Use a consistent form of your name

Make it easy for readers to find your work by using a consistent form of your name. If you choose to use initials in your name or use your whole name, please ensure that you use always use that same formBy doing this, you'll reduce the possibility of author name ambiguity which can occur when researchers have the same or similar names.

  • ORCID iD 

ORCID is a unique researcher ID and it can help resolve the problems of author name ambiguity, differentiating you from other researchers with the same or similar name. Typically an ORCID is a 16-digit number that looks like this: "0000-0002-4301-0466". If you are an academic staff member or a research student you can apply for an ORCID using CityU Scholars. See the Author Identity Management Research Guide for more information

Tip. Your ORCID iD will stay with you throughout your academic career, no matter where you work or in which country. 
  • Distinguish your name from other researchers.

If another researcher does have the same or a similar name to yours, consider adding another initial to further differentiate your name. 

 Tip.  You can check large research databases such as Scopus, or search Google Scholar to see if other researchers have the same or a similar name to yours which may cause confusion.

Get the name of your Affiliation (University) right!

Readers will find your work more easily if you avoid using abbreviations in the name of the university (affiliation). Add the department name and centre. This helps further to differentiate you from other researchers.


  • Below is an example from Scopus of authors' affiliations in an article they have written. Note the abbreviation CityU.