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Suggested resources for Accountancy.

Searching CityU LibraryFind

Use our CityUHK LibraryFind to find books, audiovisual materials, dissertations, journal titles, articles and more, collected by the Library.


The default scope is Books, Media & Articles+. You may select other scopes, such as Books & Media+ and Articles+, to suit your needs. To get started with CityUHK LibraryFind, refer to the Getting Started Tips

On the result page, you can narrow the search results by Availability, Resource Type, or other options under Refine My Results (on the right side of screen).

Refer to this short video for more.

Materials in the Course Reserve

Faculty members may place books on reserve for their courses.  For more information about Course Reserve and the Depositing Service (for faculty), please see the Course Reserves page.

Suggested reference resources

You may select handbooksencyclopedias and dictionaries from the following lists to find background information and quick facts.

Background information

Handbooks and encyclopedias provide specific information or instructions about a topic. These are the selected Accounting handbooks and encyclopedias:

Quick facts 

Dictionaries provide brief information on words or subjects, arranged alphabetically. These are the selected Accounting dictionaries:

You may browse the CityU LibraryFind for additional reference resources.

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