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Legislative Documents

Legislative documents are the materials preceding and accompanying the enactment of a law. These documents generally include bills, floor debates, committee reports and so on. They can be used to review legislative history and to determine the legislative intent of a statute.

Listed below are the resources for tracing the legislative documents in Hong Kong  

Legislative document

Online resource



Bills website (HKSAR Legislative Council), 1995 – present

HKSAR Government Gazette, Legal Supplement No. 3

First Reading, Second Reading, Committee Reports, Third Reading

Bills website (HKSAR Legislative Council), 1995 – present

Listed under each bill are:

  • dates of 1st, 2nd, 3rd readings and date of formation of bills committee
  • reports of various committees
  • records of LegCo debates

Reports of the Meetings of the LegCo of Hong Kong (Hansard)

After a bill passed through the LegCo and received the Chief Executive's assent

Bills website (HKSAR Legislative Council), 1995 – present

HKSAR Government Gazette, Legal Supplement No. 1

Commencement date of an ordinance

Bills website (HKSAR Legislative Council), 1995 – present

The information is listed under each bill.

HKSAR Government Gazette, Legal Supplement No. 2

Listed below are the resources for tracing the legislative documents in the UK

Bills of the current and previous sessions

The official report of all Westminster parliamentary debates, dating back over 200 years.