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Suggested resources for Chemistry

How to use CityU LibraryFind

Watch this video to learn how to use CityUHK LibraryFind to search for books and other items: 


And also read our guide CityUHK LibraryFind.

Browse by call number

Below are some general subject areas relevant to CHEM students. You can go to these locations on the shelves to browse our collection in that subject area: view the floor plan to find the location, or ask a library staff member for help while you're in the Library. 

Call no. Subject
QD 1-999 Chemistry
QD 1-65 General (including alchemy)
QD 71-142 Analytical chemistry
QD 146-197 Inorganic chemistry
QD 241-441 Organic chemistry
QD 415-436 Biochemistry
QD 450-801 Physical and theoretical chemistry
QD 625-655 Radiation chemistry
QD 701-731 Photochemistry
QD 901-999 Crystallography


CityUHK Library provides access to over two million e-books for CityUHK students and staff. The majority of e-books titles can be accessed both on and off campus, and many e-books can be downloaded to a personal device for offline reading.

You may refer to the Selected E-book Collections by Department/Subject for e-books in related science subjects.

Get printed books from HKALL

If a book you need from CityUHK Library is not available because it is checked out or not held by the Library, you can use HKALL to request an available copy from another UGC library. The book will be sent to CityUHK Library for you to collect.

After a search in the Books, Media & Articles+ search scope, click on your desired title from the result list to go to the full record page. Select the Get It option and click on Search this title in HKALL. You will be directed to the title(s) in the HKALL scope.

Alternatively, you may try to find your desired title directly in the HKALL search scope by either of the following ways:


Click on your desired title, if available, from the result list. Select the option Get it. If there is an available copy in other libraries, click on HKALL – Resource Sharing. Please note that you need to sign in to see request options and to place requests.

*To learn more about HKALL (e.g. eligibility), please view here.