Most Library-subscribed article databases provide the ToC Alert of a publication so that every time an issue of your desired journals is published, you can be informed of the table of contents or articles of these new issues via email. Sometimes, alerts can be provided by RSS feed.
This page assists you to set up E-mail ToC alerts and RSS ToC alerts.
The ways of setting up of ToC Alerts differ in different databases. Below are steps generally applicable to most databases.
Step 1: Most databases require you to log into your personal account to set up your ToC alerts. Register for a personal account with the database you use if you have not done so.
[from ScienceDirect]
Step 2: After you log into your account (if this is required), select "Volume alerts", "Issue alerts", "ToC alerts", "Journal alerts", "Issue notifications", "Publications", "Journals", etc., depending on the database you are using.
Step 3: Some databases only enable ToC alerts be created at the title level. Click "Publications" or "Journals" to find a journal. On the page of a desired journal title, select "Alerts", "ToC alerts", "Follow journal/book series/handbook" etc. to set up the ToC alert.
Some other databases only provide ToC alert services for selected journal titles only. If you are not able to find any links which direct you to create the ToC alert of a particular journal, it may be that this service is simply not available.
Step 4: Depending on the database you are using, you may be asked to i) change the subject of the e-mail message; ii) set up e-mail content; iii) set the alert period; iv) enter your e-mail address, etc. Then save your e-mail alert.
[from EBSCOhost]
You will be notified of the new journal content every time a new issue of the selected journal is published.
Steps taken to add an RSS ToC feed vary depending on the databases and the RSS reader/aggregator you are using. Below are some steps generally applicable to setting up RSS ToC alerts in most databases.
Step 1: Install an RSS reader/aggregator on your computer, or register at a web-based RSS reader, such as Feedly. For more about RSS, read the "RSS" page of this guide.
Then open or log into your RSS reader/aggregator.
Step 2: Click "Browse", "Publications", "Alerts", "RSS Alerts", etc., depending on the database you are using, to view a list of journal titles with RSS functionalities.
Step 3: Click "Create RSS feed", or
, next to the desired title(s).
[from EBSCOhost]
You may also create RSS feeds from the page of individual journal titles. Click "Alerts", "RSS Alerts", "Create RSS feed" etc. on the journal page, depending on the database you are using.
[from ScienceDirect]
Note: Some databases only provide ToC alert services for selected journal titles only. If you are not able to find any links which direct you to create the ToC alert of a particular journal, it may be that this service is simply not available.
Step 4: You may then see a Syndication Feed link or a "Subscribe to this feed" link. The ways to add a feed vary depending on the article database and RSS reader/aggregator you use. Copy and paste the link to your RSS reader.
You will be alerted of the new journal content via your RSS reader once the new issue of your selected journal is published.
Search the CityU LibraryFind to find out which database contains your desired journal.
e.g. If you want to create ToC alert of "Harvard business review", search this title using the CityU LibraryFind. You can then access this title from "Business Source Complete" via "EBSCOhost"
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