The mission of CityU is “to nurture and develop the talents of students and to create applicable knowledge in order to support social and economic advancement”. [1] CityU’s Discovery-enriched Curriculum’s (DeC) goal is to "to enable all our students to make an original discovery while at CityU so that they learn what it means to create new knowledge, communicate it, curate it, and cultivate it to benefit society".[2] Part of the Library's mission is to "support and augment learning, teaching, and research". [3]
In support of both the University and the Library’s missions, it is important for the Library to establish a supportive environment to
contribute to the education of the University community by providing high quality instruction to help our users identify, locate, evaluate, and use ethically those information resources appropriate for their research and scholarship, to possess the ability to think critically and creatively and to become self-directed learners.
The Library instruction programme serves the students and staff of the City University of Hong Kong at all levels.
[1] City University of Hong Kong. (2009). Vision and mission. Retrieved from
[2] City University of Hong Kong. Office of the Provost (2011). Discovered-enriched curriculum. Retrieved from
[3] City University of Hong Kong. Run Run Shaw Library (n.d.). About the Run Run Shaw Library. Retrieved from
The goals and objectives of the Run Run Shaw Library’s instruction programme are to:
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