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Information Literacy @ CityUHK

This guide explores the concept of information literacy and describes and documents the Library's instruction programme.

The programme - Library workshops and online learning opportunities

CityUHK Library’s instruction programme comprises:

Face-to-face/online Instruction Sessions

Online Instruction


When designing the library workshops, librarians have integrated ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education and the ACRL Information Literacy Framework for Higher Education into them. They are predominant parts of our instruction programme to assist our students to develop the skills necessary to identify, locate, evaluate and use ethically those information resources appropriate for their learning and research. We also offer workshops on special topics to help the University community develop effective online search strategies, explore specific research databases, and get the resources needed to effectively conduct their scholarly research.

Orientation orientation activities and guides are offered to provide students with a general introduction to the Library’s resources and services, navigating the Library’s website, and selecting research tools.

The Library also offer curriculum-based library instruction and work with teaching staff to help develop instruction sessions that assist students in developing information skills that are directly applicable to a specific discipline, course or assignment. For example, since Summer 2015, the Library has offered library workshops for students taking the GE1401 University English course, a core course that is required of all undergraduate students before they graduate.

We organize specialized law workshops by inviting all law students to attend a separate series of workshops in which we show them how to retrieve legal materials of the major legal systems like the common law and civil law, find information on particular areas of law like maritime and air law as well as how to cite legal authorities according to the School of Law’s requirement.

The Library has developed more than 50 research guides on the LibGuides platform, including getting started guides (e.g. Getting Started with the Library, Teaching Support from the Library), how-to guides (e.g. Finding Journal Articles, Citing Sources of Information), subject-specific guides (e.g. Company Information) and course-related guides (e.g. GE1401 University English). They help enhance users’ understanding of specific information resources.

InfoLit for U (UGC funded InfoLit Project)

InfoLit for U is a shared interactive multimedia IL courseware on MOOC for students of all 8 UGC-funded universities in Hong Kong. It is designed to help undergraduate students become information literate for effective learning at the university.

Enter here to enroll in the course.