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Open Access 1: > About Open Access

About Open Access (OA)

Open Access (OA) is the free, immediate, online availability of research articles combined with the rights to use these articles fully in the digital environment*. Users are allowed to download, copy, reuse and distribute data provided the original article is fully cited. By publishing Open Access, it maximises the visibility and impact of research outputs.

Open Access publishing is in contrast to traditional publishing, which locked up all published content behind a paywall and allows only those with paid subscription to read the content.

As the majority of researchers and universities are publicly funded, research outputs are increasingly expected to be made openly accessible. See the section "RGC requirements" to learn Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC)'s requirements on Open Access.

Benefits of Open Access

Learn OA via videos

Collected here are the CityUHK-hosted workshops on OA. You are welcome to view the playbacks via the video collection page to enrich your knowledge on OA.


  • YouTube channels