Altmetric is a prevailing alternative metric that captures the “online mentioning” of research output from different sources (e.g. news, social media, patents, policy documents, multimedia platforms, blogs, etc.), thus providing “evidence” to demonstrate “Research Impact” beyond the academia. The “evidence” is both “quantitative” through the Altmetric Scores and “qualitative” through the links to the mentioning sources that enable researchers to identify “who”, “what”, “why” and “where” about the mentioning to trace the breadth and depth of their impact. CityU Scholars offers article-level Altmetric (Guide). CityU users can also access Altmetric Explorer for CityU, a library-subscribed tool that utilizes Altmetric data. Altmetric Explorer has been integrated with CityU Scholars, which provides verified authors, departments, and research output records. Altmetric Explorer enables users to explore and analyze data at various levels (Guide). Read more: What is Altmetric and what does it provide? |
A 3-min video on "What are altmetrics?" |
To track the online attention surrounding a specific research piece, Altmetric requires three key elements:
Read more: How does it work? | Missed mentions & Reporting missed mentions
A 4-minute video on "How to ensure attention is tracked by Altmetric?" |
After identifying a mention of the research, Altmetric gathers it with all other online attention and displays it via the Altmetric Details Page together with the Donut and Attention Score.
The Altmetric Badge (Donut) provides an at-a-glance summary of the volume and type of attention a research output has received. The donut's different colors represent the sources from which the mentions of the research output originated.
The Altmetric Attention Score, positioned at the center of the badge, provides an indicator of the amount of attention that it has received. The score is a weighted count derived from an automated algorithm. Only the FIRST mention from a source counts towards the score.
Read more: Introduction to the badge | How are outputs scored? | How is the Altmetric Attention Score calculated? | Attention sources tracked by Altmetric
By understanding Altmetric attention scores and mentions/citations across various platforms, researchers can assess the diverse influence and engagement of their research output.
^ For patent search and analysis, you can also use Patents, a free tool by, a platform dedicated to patent records and scholarly works.
Patent Search | Patent Structured Search | Patent Search Analysis | Patent Cited By Patents Tabs | More Guides on Lens Knowledge Base - Patents
* Different tools and platforms may have different coverage. To ensure a more comprehensive tracking of cited policy documents, please also use Overton which is a database dedicated to policy citations.
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A sample record: The chemistry of two-dimensional layered transition metal dichalcogenide nanosheets |
In CityU Scholars, the Altmetric badge ![]()
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Clicking on the research output title within CityU Scholars opens up the record page. Similar to the Altmetric badge, hovering over the Altmetric button ![]()
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On the Altmetric website, you can view sources that mention the research output by clicking on the different-colored buttons in the left panel. Alternatively, you can use the tabs for the same purpose.
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Below is an example to illustrate how it appears when you click on the "Patents" tab. By clicking through the patent titles, you can access each of the 41 patents that have cited this research output.
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Altmetric Explorer tracks mentions of research outputs across various platforms including social media, news media, blogs, Wikipedia, scholarly platforms, as well as citations in patents and policy documents. Its integration with CityU Scholars enables users to generate analytical reports on its dashboard for research outputs, authors, and departments at the CityU level and the entire Altmetric database.
Altmetric Explorer can be accessed via the Library's subscription to the research analysis & benchmarking tools (link) or via If you are connected to the CityU network, you will be directed to the dashboard automatically. Otherwise, you will need to register for a personal login using your CityU email address. We recommend creating an account so that you can save searches, set up email alerts, create sharable reports, etc.
There is a range of search and analytical features on the Altmetric Explorer dashboard.
Watch a 1-minute video by Altmetric that introduces how Altmetric Explorer works.
A 1-min video on Altmetric Explorer |
Quick Search
Click on the "Quick Search" box in the top right corner to open a search box where you can enter a simple search query such as author name, department name, keyword, publication title, journal name, research output type, etc. to search the database. The search scope can be "Full Altmetric database" by default, or within CityU's research outputs if you choose "My institution only".
Advanced Search
Click on the blue "Edit Search" button to open an "Advanced search" menu and refine the search queries at different levels. Like the quick search, you can run the searches in the full Altmetric database or within CityU, where the default scope can be set in "Account Settings" in the upper-right corner. To execute your search, utilize the "Run Search" button, and if needed, clear any applied filters by using the "Clear Filter" button at the bottom right corner of the page.
My institution
Publishers, journals, and collections
Research outputs
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The Highlights Tab gives an overview of attention received by outputs within the full Altmetric database by default, within CityU or based on your crafted searches. Highlights include the attention breakdown by sources, top outputs and mention sources, latest news highlights and mentions, attention by regions, etc. Each data block is linked to another analysis tab allowing for seamless navigation and deeper investigation.
Watch a 1-minute video by Altmetric that introduces key features of the Highlights Tab.
A 1-min video on Altmetric Explorer Highlights Tab |
The Research Outputs Tab displays a list of research outputs based on a search query.
The search query can be refined by clicking on the "Edit Search" button.
The research outputs are displayed in a grid view by default. Toggle the buttons to switch to the list view to see more details of an output, including its affiliations, subject areas and SDGs.
Sort the results by Attention Score, sources and number of mentions.
Click on the badge to open up the details page for each record.
Click on "Export this Tab" to export data to a CSV file for additional analysis. This button is also available under other tabs.
Click on "Save Search" to save the search for easy and future use. This button is also available under other tabs.
The Timeline Tab shows all mentions over time and filter by specific attention source types, e.g. news, blogs, policies and patents.
You can select one or multiple attention sources to view related mentions in the bar chart. To select multiple sources, hold down the Command key on Mac computers, or the Control key on Windows computers.
Click the desired timeframe to view mentions by time.
Alternatively, you can drag the timeline below the chart to set the period.
To view specific mentions within a chosen timeframe and attention sources, click on a bar in the chart. This will direct you to the Mentions Tab, where you can explore the mentions within that timeframe and further refine your results using additional parameters.
The Demographics Tab shows heatmaps of geolocations for the attention sources including X, Facebook, News and Policy.
To view counts for the number of mentions and mention outlets/authors by country, select the attention source (e.g. Policy) and hover your mouse over the country (e.g. Canada) on the map.
By clicking on the name of a country in the table (click the blue "Show More" bar for more countries), or directly on the country on the map, you will be redirected to the Mentions Tab. There, you can explore all mentions originating from that country within the selected attention source.
The Mentions Tab shows individual mentions across all attention sources, which can be further refined by source types, mention outlets/authors, time period or regions.
Click "Add source" to select the attention source type (e.g. policy documents) to refine the results. Alternatively, you can key in a specific mention outlet or author (e.g. Food and Drug Administration) in the search bar, and select from the autocomplete dropdown list of suggestions. Then you can select the appropriate source that you wish to search for in the mentions results.
You can set the start and end date to restrict the mention results by specific mention dates.
You can also key in countries or regions to restrict mention results by locations.
Click on "Show Highlights Only" to view internationally-recognized mainstream news attention.
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The Mention Sources Tab provides a convenient way to identify the sources and individuals (e.g. specific tweeters, news outlets, policy sources) that have mentioned your research the most.
Under "Add source", you can select and view mention counts by attention source type that includes News, Blog, Policy, X, Weibo (historic), Facebook, Google+ (historic), and Reddit.
Like the Mentions Tab, you can refine your search by specifying a time period and country/region.
The results can be sorted by "Total mention count" or "X follower count". By examining the results, you can explore the organizations that mention you the most, identify the most influential tweeters in a specific field, and more.
The Journals Tab presents the total number of mentions from various Altmetric attention sources based on the search query, aggregated by journal.
You can narrow down the list by searching names and collections (e.g. Physics Letters, arXiv or figshare) under "Search Journals and Collections".
You can sort the entire table by clicking on each column header which allows you to sort the journals by total number of mentions and mentions by each source type.
A click through the journal title (e.g. Combustion & Flame) brings you to the Research Outputs Tab that lists all outputs published in the given journal and their Altmetric details for further analysis.
Once logged in to Altmetric Explorer, the blue "Save Search" button on the right side is available under all tabs. A click through it will add your query to the "Saved Searches" dashboard.
The "Saved Searches" is available in the left-side panel under login mode.
Check the box to set one search as your default view when you login.
Click on any saved search to return to the results under the Highlights Tab.
Select to receive daily, weekly, and/or monthly email reports of the search.
Click the blue document to generate a sharable report.
Edit the search name via the green pencil, send an example email report to your login account via the blue arrow, or delete the saved search via the red X button.
Create a sharable report by clicking on the blue document icon on a saved search.
Click "Edit Report" to enter the edit mode and personalize the report.
Click the blue buttons to add more report modules.
Edit or delete any auto-populated modules.
Check "Make public?" to generate a publicly-accessible version of the report that can be shared with users without access to Altmetric Explorer.
Click "Save Changes" or "Cancel" to save or disregard the changes.
Watch a 16-minute video by Altmetric that guides you through the Altmetric Explorer platform. Learn how to perform searches and analyze mentions using different tabs.
A 16-min walk-through video about Altmetric Explorer |
Source from: Engineering, Altmetric (2020). How to Search Altmetric Explorer: An Introductory Guide for Institutions. Altmetric. Presentation.
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