InCites provides comprehensive research analytics using responsible indicators such as Category Normalized Citation Impact (CNCI), Percentile in Subject Area, and Journal Impact Factor (JIF). With InCites, you can access and analyze global data on publications, citations, authors, and collaborations. You can also discover insights and trends that can help you improve your research performance and impact. InCites uses data from Web of Science, one of the world's leading curated abstract and citation databases, as well as the source for the reputable Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU). |
The landing page of InCites lists three modules that help users to understand and manage their data. This 1-min video introduces the landing page.
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It allows users to start an Analysis Landing page, where sample walk-throghts for most frequently used cases are provided. | It navigates users to the Reports Landing page, where they can either jump on an existing Overview Report or create their own report. | It navigates users to an updated version of the My Folders page where they can organize their saved reports and datasets. |
The available entities for analysis are listed in the top navigation menu of the InCites interface (click to enlarge).
InCites can be accessed via the Library's subscription to the research analysis & benchmarking tools (link).You will need to create an account or log in with your existing Clarivate accounts for Web of Science, EndNote, etc. This 1-min video shows how to sign in to InCites.
Note: InCites receives a monthly data update from Web of Science Core Collection. Data in InCites is dated back to 1980.
Web of Science Documents: The total number of Web of Science Core Collection papers for an entity.
Times Cited: The number of times a set of Web of Science Documents have been cited.
h-index: A metric to measure an author's productivity (number of documents) and impact (number of citations), with h equals to the number of papers that have received at least h citations. For example, if you have an h-index of 20, it means you have authored 20 papers that have each been cited at least 20 times. See also Impact of Authors > h-index.
Category Normalized Citation Impact (CNCI): CNCI of a document is calculated by dividing an actual citation count by an expected citation rate for documents with the same document type, year of publication, and subject area. When a document is assigned to more than one subject area, the harmonic average is used. The CNCI of a set of documents is the average of the CNCI values for all of the documents in the set. See also Impact of Authors > CNCI and Impact of Articles > CNCI.
Percentile in Subject Area: It represents the ranking of a paper within its specific category, document type, and database year, determined by the total number of citations it has received. Here, higher percentile = better performance. See also Impact of Articles > Percentile in Subject Area.
Average Percentile: The mean of the percentiles of all of the papers in a publication set.
% Documents in Top 1% / 10%: Percentage of papers from a set that have been cited enough times to place them in the top 1% / 10% or better (when compared to papers in the same category, year, and of the same document type). See also Impact of Articles > % Documents in Top 1% / 10%.
Highly Cited Papers: The top 1% papers in each of the 22 subject areas per year, according to Essential Science Indicators (ESI) in Web of Science. They are based on the most recent 10 years of publications. See also Highly Cited Papers.
Hot Papers: The 0.1% papers that were published in the last two years, based on citation activity in the most recent two-month period, per ESI subject field. See also Hot Papers.
International Collaborations: The number of publications in a set with at least two different countries among the affiliations of the co-authors.
% International Collaborations: The percentage of publications in a set that have international co-authors.
% Industry Collaborations: The percentage of publications in a set that have a corporate co-author.
Journal Impact Factor (JIF): The Journal Impact Factor is defined as all citations to the journal in the current JCR year to items published in the previous two years, divided by the total number of scholarly items (articles and reviews) published in the journal in the previous two years. See also Impact of Journals > Journal Impact Factor (JIF).
5-year Journal Impact Factor: The 5-year Journal Impact Factor is the average number of times articles from the journal published in the past five years have been cited in the JCR year. It is calculated by dividing the number of citations in the JCR year by the total number of articles published in the five previous years. See also Impact of Journals > 5-year Journal Impact Factor.
Journal Citation Indicator (JCI): The Journal Citation Indicator is a category-normalized metric calculated for all journals in the Web of Science Core Collection. It is the average Category Normalized Citation Impact (CNCI) of citable items (articles & reviews) published by a journal over a recent three-year period. See also Impact of Journals > Journal Citation Indicator (JCI).
Journal Normalized Citation Impact (JNCI): JNCI is a similar indicator to the CNCI, but instead of normalizing for subject area or field, it normalizes for the journal, in which the document is published. The JNCI can reveal information about the performance of a publication (or a set of publications) in relation to how other researchers perform when they publish their work in a given journal (or a set of journals). If the JNCI value exceeds one, then the assessed research entity is performing above average.
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