Managing your profile
What are the specifications for researcher's profile image on CityU Scholars?
Recommended specifications for researchers' profile image are: 3:4 aspect ratio; portrait orientation; size not exceeding 1MB, and either jpg or png format. Check out the user guide Adding/Updating Personal Details for other details about updating/editing your personal profile.
Can I assign someone to manage my account?
You can assign someone as a trusted user to manage your account. Follow the user guide Authorising a Trusted User to find out details. Your trusted users must also have a Pure account in the first place. Users with Pure account should be able to login to the CityU Scholars Backend (Pure) with their EID and AD password. If they fail, most likely, they do not have a Pure account. Request ESU to add one for them via AIMS. See the user guide Requesting User Accounts and Assigning Account Privileges on how to do this. Further enquires can be directed to
What will happen to my profile if I leave CityU?
You will have the option to opt out if you wish to discontinue the display of your profile in CityU Scholars.
Managing your CV
How can I create a CV in CityU Scholars, and what kind of information can I include?
You can create Public or Private CVs in CityU Schoalrs with contents drawn from your Profile information, Research Output and other Activities. You can also add a custom text section to suit your needs. Once published, your Public CV will be displayed on the portal while your Private CVs can be downloaded as MS Word or PDF documents. Follow the steps in the user guide Creating/Editing a Public or Private CV to do this.
Managing your research output
Are all publications imported into CityU Scholars?
Only Scopus, Web of Science and CAJD publications are imported into CityU Scholars. Publications with status of "Accepted for Publication" will not be imported but you can add them manually. See the user guide Creating a Research Output Record Manually on how to do this.
I have an article but it is not listed in my publication list, what can I do?
You can search for it in the CityU Scholars backend (PURE). You can claim the content if the publication has already been entered. Once the Library has added your name to the article, it will be visible on your publication list. Follow the steps in the user guide Claiming your Research Output from Pure Backend to do this. However, if the publication is not in the system, you have to create it manually. See the user guide Creating a Research Output Record Manually to find out details.
What should I do if I find publications in my profile that don't belong to me?
You should disclaim the record by:
- clicking the icon 'Disclaim this content' at the bottom of the record window, or
- clicking the gear icon at the bottom right of your item record on the 'Research output' page and selecting 'Not mine - disclaim content'.
Add a note to inform us of the duplication and the Library will follow up with your request.
What should I do if I find duplicate records in my profile?
You should disclaim the duplicate record by:
- clicking the icon 'Disclaim this content' at the bottom of the record window, or
- clicking the gear icon at the bottom right of your item record on the 'Research output' page and selecting 'Not mine - disclaim content'.
Add a note to inform us of the duplication and the Library will follow up with your request.
Managing your contents
What kind of contents do I have to input/update manually?
Can I select what content to display on the public portal?
There are four levels of visibility for displaying your publications on the portal - from public to confidential. Setting visibility can be helpful when your Research Output is not formally published but the citation data has already been imported. Check out the user guide Managing Visibility of Records for details.
Can I link contents together?
Contents in the CityU Scholars backend (PURE) can be connected by establishing relations with each other. You can link records together to highlight the outcome of a Project, whether it is a Research Output, Activity, or other Projects. See the user guide Establishing Relations between Records to find out how to do this.
I’m a Research Postgraudate student. How can I submit an Electronic Thesis?
Research degree and professional doctorate students are required to submit an electronic or ‘soft’ copy of their theses at the same time that printed or 'hard' copies are submitted. Same as that for the printed copies, the submission of a soft copy of the thesis is also part of the graduation requirement. You may refer to the Policy on Electronic Theses for more details. For details of electronic thesis online submission, please refer to How to Submit an Electronic Thesis.
How can I add research grant records?
CityU Scholars showcases the grant records which are synchronized automatically from the University’s project management system ERIC. To facilitate the showcasing of grant records which are currently not covered by ERIC, researchers are allowed to manually add these grant records approved from the year 2006 onwards for showcasing in CityU Scholars. For details, you may refer to the user guides Adding Grants (Non-ERIC records only) and Approval of Grants (Non-ERIC records only).
Open Access
Which full-text version should I upload for Open Access?
This depends on the publisher's Open Access policy. Before uploading, check the publisher agreement you signed or the publisher's website for its policy. You can also contact Research Support and Scholarly Communication of the Library at for assistance. Check out the
OA Support Site for more details.
Where can I find information on Open Access?
The OA Support Site provides a concise overview of what you need to know about Open Access. Contact Research Support and Scholarly Communication of the Library at for any queries about Open Access or if you need help to clarify copyright issues.
Where can I view journal ranking information?
Metrics such as journal ranking information can be viewed from the CityU Scholars portal. Wherever the journal name is a hyperlink, click it to the journal record and click the “Journal Metrics” button, if available, for the relevant information. You may also view from the CityU Scholars backend (PURE). PURE stores data about a journal's metrics such as Impact factor, SJR and SNIP.
What are Altmetrics?
Altmetrics are web-based metrics increasingly used in conjunction with traditional bibliometrics such as impact factor or h-index. It has an emphasis on social media outlets as source of data but can also be applied to article, people, journals, books, datasets, etc. Altmetrics are now a trend for measuring impact in a diverse scholarly environment as they look beyond counting with a focus on semantic content. To find out more, check out Altmetric page at our Research Guides or the Altmetric for Researchers page at
How are Altmetrics calculated?
Altmetrics can be measured by using the Altmetrics Attention Scores. The score is based on a default weighting systema that counts all the online attention Altmetric gathers for an individual research output. The data is drawn from sources such as public policy documents, social media networks and blogs, etc. To find out more, check out our Altmetric page at our Research Guides or the How is the Altmetric Attention Score calculated? page at
What is the connection between PURE and CityU Scholars?
CityU Scholars is powered by PURE which is a hosting application that serves as a current research information system that keeps records of the University’s research output information as well as an institutional repository that hosts the deposited copies (where copyright allows) of the University's research publications and digital theses. CityU Scholars is the front-end portal publicly searchable and browsable by the users worldwide. It draws records maintained in the PURE backend system and displays them publicly to showcase the University’s research impact and performance.
Which web browser should I use?
The CityU Scholars backend system (PURE) is compatible with the latest versions of most web browsers, including Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari and Google Chrome.
How do we appoint Departmental Administrators?
Departmental Administrators for Research Information Management (DAs) are colleagues appointed at the academic department level to help connecting faculty members and the support units (ESU, HRO, LIB, RO, KTO, SGS) to make different research-related processes more effective and efficient. The registration of DAs has to be performed via AIMS by HoD. Should there be any changes in the DAs because of personnel movement, the prior registration in AIMS will need to be updated too. You may refer to the details in the Quick Guide for Registration of Departmental Administrator for Research Information Management.