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A Research Hub of Excellence

CityU Scholars Support Page


CityU Scholars is the University's Integrated Research Information System that collects the research output, activity and achievement information of our researchers for showcasing, reporting, assessment and performance review purposes. It is crucial that our researchers learn how to effectively manage their accounts and public profiles in the System to ensure that their research information is comprehensively covered and accurately represented. 

The Library organizes online training on CityU Scholars from time to time based on the prevailing needs. Please watch out for our latest offers.

CityU Scholars: Getting Ready for RGC Reporting and Performance Review for 2023-2024 (8-module Self-paced Online Training)

Research output and activity records collected in CityU Scholars will be used for the upcoming RGC Reporting, Annual Performance Report (APR) for faculty and Annual Progress Report for research students. This self-paced online training, consisting of 8 self-paced modules of bite-size as follows, aims at showing our researchers how to manage and update their research information in CityU Scholars.

To view the modules, faculty members, research students and DAs (Departmental Administrators) please click the [Start] button below

Module 1  An Overview of CityU Scholars

Module 2  CityU Scholars Records for RGC Reporting and Appraisal

Module 3  Your Role in Research Output Harvesting

Module 4  Manual Input of Research Output Records

Module 5  Authorizing Trusted Users and Departmental Administrators

Module 6  A Close-up of Electronic Theses Submission and Research Degree Planner

Module 7  Reporting Open Access Information for Publications

Module 8  Summary Wrap-up of Annual Reporting Exercises and Workflow