Call Number: PN171.F56 P43 2016
Call Number: ref QD8.5 .A25 2006
Call Number: BF76.7 .P83 2020
Call Number: BF76.7 .C66 2020
Call Number: Z253 .U69 2017
Call Number: T11 .S386 2014
Call Number: LB2369 .G53 2021
When you find some useful ideas in your research and want to use them in your paper, whether they are from books, government documents, magazine or journal articles, non-print materials, Internet sources, TV interviews, or other forms of materials, you need to let your readers know the sources of these ideas, i.e., provide proper reference to each source that you have used, because:
A citation is formatted in accordance with a recognized, appropriate citation style. As preferences for citation style vary, you should ask your professor or instructor which style you should use.
The following are some commonly used citation styles:
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