Hong Kong is an international centre for finance and trade. It has an open economy, encouraging free trade and enterprise with minimal government intervention. It has a simple taxation structure with low rates of taxation. Foreign investment is welcome in all industries with very few exceptions.
There are no restrictions or controls on foreign exchange. The Hong Kong dollar is pegged to the U.S. dollar.
In 2003 CEPA (Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement) was established between Hong Kong and Mainland China. This arrangement opened up the Mainland's markets to Hong Kong's goods and services.
Standard Chartered Hong Kong SME Leading Business Index report
Quarterly survey aimed at SMEs and the public to provide insight into upcoming business environment.
Report on Quarterly Business Tendency Survey
Covers the business expectations of various sectors (including manufacturing, construction, retail, & more) in order to predict future economic performance. From the Census & Statistics Department, Hong Kong Government.
Major indicator of the performance of Hong Kong stock.
Consumer Price Index Monthly report / Annual report
Measures price movements of goods and services. From the Census and Statistics Dept, Hong Kong Government.
Export Index From the HKTDC. The index is "designed to monitor the current export performance of Hong Kong traders and gauge their near-term prospects."
Hong Kong Market Information and Statistics
The Census and Statistics Department of the Government of Hong Kong provides a wide array of business related statistics including: industrial production, external trade, commerce, public accounts, money & finance, national income & balance of payments.
See also the Library Research Guide Statistics - Statistics for Hong Kong
World Competitiveness Ranking. 2024. From IMD Switzerland. Hong Kong comes in 5th place.
Market Potential Index (MPI). By Michigan State University - International Business Center. Ranks emerging markets on eight dimensions. Hong Kong is the 3rd in 2022.
Ease of doing business. By World Bank Group. Measures the regulatory environment for starting a new business. Hong Kong comes third place.
A free monthly magazine. Covers the economy, investment, manufacturing, technology, travel and trade, & more.
From the Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce.
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