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Business Information for Hong Kong and Shanghai

Shanghai - Legal environment

China Country Profile. Available in the Library database Business Source Complete. Browse by "Country Reports" > China > China Country Profile > Refer to the section "Legal Landscape". It provides an overview and analysis of China's legal system and its impact on doing business.

Local rules. From the Shanghai Municipal People's Government.

Economy Profile. China. Doing business 2020 : comparing business regulation in 190 economies. From the World Bank. 

International Services Shanghai. A platform for foreigners looking for information on Shanghai.

Library resources for law

Business Laws and Regulations for China

Business law

The Law Library from the World Bank is a collection of free online business laws and regulations. It lets you create a report of all business laws or choose from a range of laws  for an economic region or a specific economy. 

Select China from the list of economies. You can create a report by selecting specific laws or opt to include all business laws in a report. Wherever possible links are to government web sites.

Note: Links are updated regularly but there is no guarantee that the laws are the latest version.

Business Structures

The government is keen to attract foreign investment but most are in the form of joint ventures (JV) between foreign and Chinese companies.

Guide for Newcomers to Shanghai from outside the Chinese Mainland. From Shanghai Municipal People's Government.


Guide to Doing Business in China. Chapter 4. Tax Administration.. From the HKTDC. Provides detailed information about China's taxation structure, inlcuding VAT (Value Added Taxation), consumption tax, business tax and more.

Taxation of enterprises doing business in Shanghai.


Business reforms

Business Reforms from the World Bank,

Lists recent regulatory and legal reforms that have been put into place in China  making it easier to do business