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Business Information for Hong Kong and Shanghai

Company information

Company website

For a listed company, its website may contain extensive company information including annual and interim reports that provide details of company activities as well as financial information.  To locate annual/interim reports look for links such as Investor Relations (投資者關係) or Investors (投資者).

Company profiles - Library databases

A company profile provides an overview of a company. Generally they include company developments, key personnel, financial highlights and more. You can search the following Library databases to find profiles of listed companies and some larger private companies in Shanghai.

Financial information

Search the Library's databases and selected web sites to find financial and market data for a company.

Stock Performance

You can check the stock performance of an individual company on the web site of the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Enter the company code. There is a fifteen minute delay.

Indexes measuring stock performance are also available on the web site.

The SSE Composite Index, a frequently quoted index, covers all stocks (A and B Shares) listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Information about SSE Composite Index is also available. 

Refinitiv Eikon. Library database. Provides detailed analysis of equity transactions. Available only in the Library.

Company ownership

Search the following Library databases for company ownership information of listed companies:

Credit ratings of a company

For an independent evaluation of the financial status of a listed company, refer to credit ratings from organisations such as Moody's, Standard & Poor's and Fitch and from those based in China.

Company competitors/peers