EndNote's Find Full Text feature searches the web to determine if the PDF full text of a reference stored in your library can be accessed for free. If it is indeed available, EndNote will automatically link and attach it to the corresponding reference.
You can also find the PDF full text of some (not all) CityU Library subscribed publications, e.g. articles. See below.
Note: Only eligible CityU staff and students can access the full text of CityU subscribed publications.
Find the full text
1. Click on the relevant reference in your Library.
2. Click on the Find Full Text icon on the tool bar to start the search for full text.
3. To monitor the progress of the search, refer to the Find Full Text option on left of screen.
4. EndNote finds the full text, a paper clip icon will appear next to the reference to indicate the full text has been attached. Click on the PDF icon in the reference panel to display the full text.
Find the PDF full text of articles available in CityU Library's subscribed publications
If you edit the preferences in EndNote, you can also find the PDF full text of some CityU Library subscribed publications, e.g. articles. (Only eligible CityU staff and students can access the full text).
Note: When using this feature, please refrain from any systematic or excessive downloading from Library databases. Users are fully responsible for any legal consequences arising from excessive downloading or infringement of prevailing copyright laws. |
Import a PDF document into your EndNote library
If you have the PDF full text for a reference in your library, you can import it. EndNote will attach it to the matching reference.
Add a PDF document to a matching reference in your library
Add PDF document/s or folders to create new references
You can upload a PDF document or a folder of PDF documents into EndNote even if there is no matching reference in your Library. EndNote extracts the bibliographic information from the PDF document to create a new reference in your library.
Note: A scanned PDF document or a PDF document without a DOI cannot be added successfully to EndNote using the instructions below.
Tip: If a PDF document you have imported is missing information from fields, e.g. author, volume, etc, select the Find Reference Update feature to update information in the reference.
EndNote has some options to help you manage PDFs. You can:
Rename a PDF document and enable automatic importing
Note: A scanned PDF document or a PDF document without a DOI cannot be added successfully to EndNote using the instructions above.
Add notes, highlights, underline and strike out text in PDF documents
Tip: To delete highlight, etc., click on the highlight and right click to select Delete Annotation.
4. Click on the internal close button which will prompt you to save the changes.
The Find References Update feature lets you add additional information, missing fields, and more to a reference. It is especially useful for an e-publication which may not have all the information that is available in the printed version, or for a PDF document that has not imported correctly.
Note: If you select Update All Fields any information you have added into your reference e.g. Notes will be overwritten.
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