You can export references directly from CityU LibraryFind into your EndNote library by following these steps:
1. Open your desired library in EndNote if you have multiple libraries.
2. Enter your search terms into CityU LibraryFind and and follow the appropriate steps to export your selected record(s):
3. The records will be automatically added to your EndNote library when you open the downloaded file.
You can export references directly from Google Scholar into your EndNote library.
To export a record from Google Scholar, click Cite and select EndNote from the pop-up.
To export multiple results, you need to configure Google Scholar. Please view here.
Most of the Library's subscription databases offer an option to export records directly into EndNote. Look for links such as Export or Save within the databases, and select either the .ris format or the EndNote option to add the records to your library.
A few databases do not offer an export option. In such cases, you can try importing the records into EndNote using the appropriate filter for the database.
Note: More export tips of different online resources are available on Clarivate webpage: EndNote: Direct Export Notes.
Factiva does not offer a direct export option for EndNote. Instead, you need to download the Factiva record as a .txt (text) file and then upload it into EndNote using the Factiva (DJ) Import filter.
Steps for exporting references
Steps for exporting references
Steps for exporting references
Steps for exporting references
Steps for exporting references
Steps for exporting references
Steps for exporting references
Steps for exporting references
Steps for exporting references
Steps for exporting references to EndNote
If you have the PDF full text for a reference in your library, you can import it. EndNote will attach it to the matching reference.
Add a PDF document to a matching reference in your library
Add PDF document(s) or folder to create new references
You can upload a PDF document with DOI or a folder of PDF documents into EndNote even if there is no matching reference in your library. EndNote extracts the bibliographic information from the PDF document to create a new reference in your library.
Tip: If a PDF document you have imported is missing information from fields, e.g. author, volume, etc, the Find Reference Updates feature may be helpful.
If the reference you need is not available in electronic format or if you are unable to import it, you can create a new record for the reference by typing in the details.
1. Select References > New Reference.
2. Select the Reference Type from the drop down menu (e.g. Journal Article, Book, Conference Paper, etc.)
3. Enter the publication details of the reference in the relevant fields (e.g. Author, Title, Year, Volume, Publisher, etc.).
Tips for entering an author's name in the author field:
4. When finished, click Save button.
If the database you wish to search does not have an option to export references into EndNote, you can save the reference as a text file then try to import it into EndNote using a filter for the database available with the EndNote software.
You can also add references to your EndNote library using Connection Files available with the EndNote software. These files allow EndNote to connect, search and import references from Web of Science, some publicly available databases (e.g. PubMed) and library catalogs using the search function within EndNote.
To use a Connection file:
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