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Library Workshop Recordings and Resources

Legal Research

The Legal Research workshops aim to develop students' legal research skills for the study of law in a common law jurisdiction. 

Case Law Research

(To view the video, click the above image and login with your CityUHK credential)


In this session, attendees will learn:

  • the concept of case law research in common law jurisdiction;
  • to make use of e-resources to locate and note up cases;
  • different types of case citations.

Duration: 2 hrs

Video  Handout

Citing Legal Information

(To view the video, click the above image and login with your CityUHK credential)


The Oxford University Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA) is a citation style widely used in the UK academic world. It is preferred by the CityUHK School of Law for student works. In this workshop, users will practice citing different kinds of publications using OSCOLA.

Duration: 1 hr 50 min

Video  Handout

Finding Law Journals and Other Secondary Materials

(To view the video, click the above image and login with your CityUHK credential)


In this session, attendees will learn how to find journal articles, books, commentaries and legal reference materials.

Duration: 1 hr 50 min

Video  Handout

Finding Legislation

(To view the video, click the above image and login with your CityUHK credential)


In this session, attendees will learn:

  • the legislative process in Hong Kong and the UK;
  • to locate the fulltext of legislation in Hong Kong, the UK, and other countries.

Duration: 2 hrs

Video  Handout