30 Statistics in 30 Seconds in Statista

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In this session, attendees will learn how to use Statista for statistics and analysis about consumers, markets, brands, and products.
Speaker: Mr. Wenchong Zhou (Statista Pte Ltd)
Duration: 1 hr
Video Handout
Finding Chemical Information with SciFinder-n

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SciFinder-n is the most comprehensive database for searching chemical literature, structures and reactions. It is an essential tool in both chemical and biological research.
In this session, attendees will learn how to:
- find relevant references more quickly;
- explore ways to use SciFinder-n for research insights and trends;
- discover shortcuts and tips for more efficient structure, reaction and biosequence searching.
Speaker: Ms. Pamela Oon (ACS International)
Duration: 1 hr
From Abstracts to Insights: How CABI Online Resources Elevate Your Research and Learning

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In the ever-evolving landscape of research and learning, access to reliable and current information is crucial. CABI Digital Library is a powerhouse of resources designed to empower researchers, academics, and learners in the fields of agriculture and environmental sciences. This training aims to unravel the wealth of knowledge within the CABI Digital Library and walk you through effective strategies for transformative research and learning experiences.
Speaker: Wai Ching Lai (Regional Sales Manager, Southeast & East Asia, CABI)
Duration: 1 hr
Video Handout
Getting the Most from Web of Science Core Collection

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Web of Science Core Collection is one of the largest abstract and citation databases for leading scholarly literature. Users can find current and retrospective coverage in the sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities.
In this session, attendees will learn how to:
- find the citation counts to identify the impactful publications on a topic;
- use h-index to locate the research impact of a researcher/a group of researchers;
- track research output and citation activity;
- create alerts to stay up to date in a research area.
Duration: 1 hr
Video Handout
HyRead eBook 雲端閱讀趣

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HyRead eBook collection covers a wide variety of subjects across the humanities & social sciences, language & literature, religion & psychology, language learning, art & design, and more. Reading is not only for academics but also for fun!
HyRead 電子書庫涵蓋人文與社會科學、語言與文學、宗教與心理學、語言學、藝術與設計等多種學科。 閱讀不僅是為了學術,更是為了樂趣!
Speaker: 林佳穎小姐 (凌網科技股份有限公司 服務整合事業處)
Language: 普通話
Duration: 1 hr
Video Handout
IEEE Xplore: Search Strategies to Maximize Your Research Experience

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The IEEE Xplore Digital Library contains one-third of the world’s current electrical engineering and computing literature. IEEE Xplore provides researchers, engineers, and students access to technology’s most trusted journals, conference proceedings, and standards—millions of articles to help fuel imagination, build from previous research, and inspire new ideas.
In this session, attendees will:
- know about IEEE & IEEE Xplore;
- discover trending content;
- construct successful search strategies for precise results;
- stay current by setting-up saved search alerts and ToC alerts;
- find the IEEE activities that benefit research and careers.
Speaker: Ms. Dandan He (IEEE Client Service Manager)
Duration: 1 hr
Video Handout
Net Languages Online English Course: How to Best Prepare for the IELTS Examination?

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In this session, attendees will:
- become familiar with the format and requirements of the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) examination;
- learn how to work on exam techniques to get the best band score possible;
- learn how to use the IELTS Preparation Course, including the listening, reading, writing, and speaking modules, to achieve these objectives;
- learn how to use the IELTS Practice Tests, including the listening, reading, writing, and speaking tests, to simulate the actual exams.
Speaker: Mr. Peter Loveday (Net Languages)
Duration: 1 hr
Video Handout
Exploring the New EBSCOhost User Interface

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Conducted by EBSCO Information Services, this workshop will introduce the new interface and advanced features of the EBSCOhost databases, which include Academic Search Premier, Business Source Complete, MathSciNet, MEDLINE, etc.
Speaker: Mr. Evan Shih (Senior Training Specialist, EBSCO Information Services)
Duration: 1 hr
Tips & Tricks to Make the Most of Credo Reference

(To view the video, click the above image and login with your CityUHK credential)
Credo Reference is the true academic alternative to Wikipedia, offering world-class reference materials for researchers and faculty. The platform offers thousands of full-text titles and images from a range of premier publishers.
During this session, we'll cover everything you need to know to make the most of this powerful resource: navigating the home page, browsing and searching for topics,using the interactive Mind Map feature, utilizing federated search, saving and sharing resources, and running advanced searches. This session will serve as a helpful introduction or refresher to Credo Reference and will prepare you to make the most of the resource moving forward.
Speaker: Mr. Kai Gardner (International Customer Success Manager, Infobase)
Duration: 0.5 hrs
Video Handout
Using Factiva

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In this session, attendees will learn how to use classic Factiva:
- to search for news articles published in specific sources;
- to read news online;
- to locate company information.
Duration: 1 hr
Video Handout
Using Scopus to Find Impactful Resources

(To view the video, click the above image and login with your CityUHK credential)
Scopus is one of the largest abstract and citation databases for leading scholarly literature. Users can find current and retrospective coverage in various academic disciplines.
In this session, attendees will learn:
- find high-quality research literature on a subject;
- identify influential publications on a topic;
- obtain the impact of a research output and find its related references;
- track research information on a topic;
- use the h-index to find the research impact of a researcher and an institution.
Duration: 1 hr
Video Handout

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中國知網 (China National Knowledge Infrastructure, CNKI) 提供中國學術文獻、學位論文、報紙、年鑒、工具書等各類學術資源。
- 如何跟蹤前沿熱點文章、期刊——中國學術期刊全文數據庫
- 爲什麽要使用工具書——中國工具書網絡出版總庫
- CNKI Smart,創新推出的AI學術研究平臺,以問答、文獻閱讀、智能寫作及原創性檢測四大模塊為主體,為用戶提供更智能的學術研究服務
Speaker: 張鈴莉, 乔琦
Language: 普通話
Duration: 1.5 hrs
Video Handout
如何利用 CNKI 進行商業學術研究

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- CNKI 學術期刊 - 如何查找所需文獻及跟蹤前沿熱點文章
- CNKI 學位論文 & 電子書 - 系統性研究課題的最佳手段
- CNKI 工具書 - 爲什麽要使用工具書
- CNKI 年鑒 - 如何找到中國大陸統計數據,用於定量分析
Speaker: 付宇嘉 (Serena FU)
Language: 普通話
Duration: 1 hr
Video Handout