You can use EndNote with Word to:
Take a look at the following video to get an overview:
CWYW for Macintosh: Adding Citations to a Word Document (1:10 mins from 4:41 to 5:50 mins)
Cite While You Write (CWYW) feature
The Cite While You Write (CWYW) feature that allows you to work with Word is available after you have installed EndNote. The EndNote X9 tab will appear in Word on the toolbar.
Choosing a style
Select your preferred style from the Style menu in the EndNote X9 tool bar in Word. If you change the style later EndNote will automatically update the bibliography.
Inserting in-text citations and creating a bibliography
Change the format or layout of the bibliography
To make changes to a citation you have inserted into your document, use the Edit & Manage Citation(s) function on the EndNote X9 tab in Word.
Note: Do not make the changes directly to the Word document because when EndNote updates the document all changes will be lost.
To Fix errors in citations and in the bibliography of your research paper
Any errors or incomplete data in citations or in your bibliography may be because the corresponding reference in your EndNote library has errors.
Note: Do not make the changes directly to the Word document because when EndNote updates the document all changes will be lost.
EndNote has over 6,000 citation styles to choose from, including popular styles such as APA 7th, and many styles required by journals. Only the most popular styles are pre-loaded with the software. If the style you need is not available, you can go to the EndNote Output Styles webpage, search for the style and download it to EndNote.
1. In EndNote Desktop, select Edit > Output Styles > Open Style Manager. |
2. Select Get More on the Web. | |
3. This will take you to the EndNote Output Styles webpage. Search for the style you need then click on Download. |
4. Open the downloaded file to add it to EndNote. Select File > Save As. Give the style a name, then click Save. |
5. Close all open windows to return to your EndNote library. Select the new style from the Style menu. |
To combine multiple Word documents that contain EndNote citations into one document, the references from all the documents must be from the same EndNote library.
A bibliography will be automatically generated with references from all documents.
Journal Abbreviations
Some referencing styles use journal abbreviations (e.g. IEEE) while other styles use the full journal name, (e.g. APA 6th). You can switch between abbreviations and full journal names by uploading the Journal Term Lists. These have full journal names and their common abbreviations. Depending on which style you use EndNote can change the reference automatically to the abbreviated or full name of the journal.
Before you upload the Journal Terms List, you must delete any existing journal terms in your Terms List folder. These have been generated by existing references in your library but might not be correct.
Delete existing terms
Go to EndNote Desktop:
Import a Journal Term List
Edit a style to display full journal names or abbreviations
You can edit an output style so it will automatically display the full or abbreviated journal name in a reference citation.
Preview the style
To check that the abbreviation is working go to EndNote Desktop. Choose the style you have edited from the style menu. Select a record in your library and select Preview using the Layout button.
Below is a reference in IEEE style with the journal title abbreviated.
You can keep track of the references you have cited in a Word document by referring to the auto-group feature available in your EndNote Desktop library. This is useful if you have a large number of references in a document and want to check that they are the correct ones.
Click on the Update Citations and Bibliography feature in Word to generate a list of all the references you have used in a Word document.
The references from your Word document will be grouped together in your EndNote desktop library. You can go through the references to check that the information in each one is complete and edit if necessary. Note that this list will disappear when you close your library.
Research paper finished?
When you have completed your paper and wish to send it off for review, you need to remove the Cite While You Write (CWYW) field codes in the citations and bibliography of your Word document.
To do this, in Word select Tools > Convert to Plain Text. A copy of your document without links will open in a new window.
Note: You cannot reverse this step.
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